Friday 7 June 2019 – A key theme at Fulton Hogan is making our business fit for the future – the skills, capabilities and technology to continue to lead in infrastructure solutions.
An increasing array of decision-making technologies presents a big opportunity to further increase our agility and adaptability, and they’re cornerstones of our new SITE OF THE FUTURE® project. We’re using specific SITE OF THE FUTURE® initiatives as rallying points for our people to test and apply innovations, and to guide investment choices in the underlying technologies and work practices. Ultimately we want to take the resulting measurable gains in health and safety management, quality assurance, resource utilisation and productivity to sites across New Zealand and Australia.
Initially we’re measuring the following against base-line results:
- productivity gains in labour inputs
- productivity gains in plant, materials and subcontract inputs
- increased safety
This by deploying the latest plant and equipment, systems and technologies in trials across:
- Construction
- Surfacing
- Maintenance
- Quarrying
- Heavy Civil
In support of this, we’re continuing to assess and improve our support systems, with a particular focus on digital engineering. The teams behind the projects will be sharing results with you as our SITE OF THE FUTURE® progresses.
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