Fulton Hogan People Are Recognised At Safe Work Awards In Qld

The 2014 Queensland Government Safe Work Awards honoured Safety Advisor Graham Hall with the award for ‘Best individual contribution to work health and safety’. Our Toowoomba Industries team also won the award for ‘Best solution to an identified electrical safety issue’.

The awards recognise organisations and individuals who demonstrate innovation, leadership and commitment to making Queensland workplaces healthier and safer.

Safety Advisor Graham Hall was recognised for his individual efforts in managing safety on the $57 million Warrego Highway interchange project at Blacksoil, which has achieved outstanding safety audit results and zero workers’ compensation claims.

After 30 years as an interstate truck driver, labourer and plant operator, Graham changed career and, with the support of the management team, studied up on current safety legislation, taught himself to use a computer, and learnt how to write reports and chair meetings. In his new role, he has gained respect and support from work crews—leading to a positive culture shift where safety is considered integral to daily activities.

The team at Fulton Hogan’s asphalt plant in Toowoomba found that their 33-year-old electrical system had become unreliable. They developed an innovative new electrical system with touch screen functionality allowing workers to control machinery and manage outages without having to open the electrical cabinet. In addition to its safety measures, the new system has simplified the asphalt production process and led to a major reduction in lost time due to power outages

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