South Gippsland Highway– Level Crossing Removal
The South Gippsland Highway, Dandenong South level crossing has been removed with a road bridge over the rail line opening months ahead of schedule in August 2021.
This project was delivered by Metropolitan Roads Program Alliance (MRPA), made up of Alliance partners Fulton Hogan, Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM), and the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP).
With over 31,000 cars and trucks travelling across the level crossing each day, removing this level crossing will create more reliable travel times in one of Australia’s busiest manufacturing regions.
We’re also improving walking and cycling connections in the area, making it safer and easier to access local businesses and services.
Green space will be constructed at the former South Gippsland Highway and Princes Highway intersection. Work on the green space will start in early 2022 and will be completed in late 2022.
SHAREDandenong South, Melbourne, Australia
CLIENTLevel Crossing Removal Project (LXRP)
VALUE$98 million
START DATEJune, 2020
END DATEAugust, 2021
CAPABILITYRoads & Bridges, Construction, Rail,
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