Watch our civil infrastructure team as they upgrade one of Melbourne’s light rail lines over a period of five days.
Fulton Hogan provides civil construction and rail infrastructure services to suburban light rail tram networks connecting communities across New Zealand and Australia’s rural and metropolitan areas. We’ve fast-tracked our reputation in rail construction and infrastructure by bringing our wealth of experience to projects; delivering quality results in often challenging environments where access is tricky, hazards are plentiful and services disruption has to be avoided.
Watch our civil infrastructure team as they upgrade one of Melbourne’s light rail lines over a period of five days, and just five kilometres from the CBD, for Yarra Trams, Melbourne’s tram service provider.
Works included:
- demolition, removal and re-construction of double tram tracks at Mount Alexander Road, Ascot Vale, just five kilometres from Melbourne CBD
- Replacement of two automatic point turnout junctions at the entrance of the tram depot in the suburb of Essendon
- Installation of new earth bonding, electrical and drainage infrastructure on Mount Alexender Road
Fulton Hogan creates, connects and cares for communities; building the roads, rail, airports and infrastructure which bring people together.