Quarry Products

Quarry Products

Fulton Hogan supplies quality aggregates to the construction sector from our 45 quarries across New Zealand and Australia. From premium rock products to a wide array of refined products, we source the best product for our customers. Our range includes aggregates and road base, specialty sand, recycled glass base-course mixes, railway ballast and gabion rock, as well as bulk fills and non-specified materials.


We manage all our quarries with an eye to the future, working under stringent environmental management plans that demonstrate our commitment to responsibly preserve our precious resources for future generations. Our record in quarry management is testament to our broad skills base and the pride we take in providing efficient, safe and environmentally conscious resources.


All our quarries are supported by expert technical teams who are able to meet tight specifications. We always put our customers’ deadlines first.


‘Aggregates make up 75 to 90 per cent of all the concrete used in buildings, roads and other infrastructure like tunnels, airport runways and bridges.’

Click here to view our quarry locations


WorkSafe NZ Chief Inspector Safety Leadership Award for the Extractives Industry


Operated by Fulton Hogan

Quarry acquired

In 2018 – Drury quarry, NZ