EmulSure® Seal
Product Type: Binders
EmulSure® Seal system incorporates an additive in the emulsion that allows for a “fast break” of the emulsion binder on the road, and faster curing times. EmulSure® Seal halves the physical ‘break’ time over standard emulsion in certain conditions, reducing the time it takes to complete normal sealing operations.

Product Type: Binders
A polymer modified emulsion provides a two-in-one treatment, designed to facilitate both enrichment as well as rejuvenation of aged pavements.

Product Type: Asphalt
PlastiPhalt® is a sustainable asphalt product that incorporates waste plastic from used oil containers. The plastic polymers provide performance enhancing benefits. It can be utilised in a number of asphalt mixes for a range of solutions.
Product Type: Binders
PortBind® is a proprietary modified bituminous binder, specifically developed for use in PortPhalt® hot mix. Application specific versions are tailored for Portphalt® ST (Structural) and for PortPhalt® DR (Deformation Resistant).
Product Type: Binders
Other Applications: Motorsport
MotoBind® is a proprietary polymer modified bituminous binder, specifically developed for superior performance in motor racing track asphalt MotoPhalt®.
Product Type: Binders
JetBloc® is a premium fuel resistance coating developed to protect airport asphalt from the combined actions of high stress loads and regular fuel contamination.
Product Type: Binders
JetBind® is a specially developed polymer modified bitumen binder used in asphalts for airport surfaces. JetBind® improves airport asphalt performance via flexibility, load spreading capacity, deformation resistance and ability to withstand aircraft-induced shear stresses and high temperatures.
Product Type: Aggregate
Precoat is a pretreatment of spray seal aggregate with a thin film of bitumen with diesel and adhesion agents. Precoat minimises the risk of the seal stripping by neutralising the effect of dust.
Product Type: Binders
A cold applied, based polymer modified bitumen compound crack sealant that can be used for minor cracks in asphalt, sprayseal or concrete.

Product Type: Binders
A polymer modified emulsion provides a two-in-one treatment, designed to facilitate both enrichment as well as rejuvenation of aged pavements.
Product Type: Binders
An alternative option to resealing aged pavements and thereby, extending their life. JetBlack® is a blend of: premium bitumen emulsion (high solids, polymer modified, stabilised), special additives and mineral filler.
Product Type: Binders
FibreDec® is a heavy duty fibre-reinforced emulsion seal for the rehabilitation and control of reflective cracking in pavements.
Product Type: Binders
Other Applications: Motosport
MotoBond® is a premium modified bitumen emulsion tack coat developed in response to the risk of asphalt overlay delamination and slippage.
Product Type: Binders
JetBond® is a premium modified bitumen emulsion tack coat developed to withstand asphalt overlay delamination and slippage, as higher tyre pressures and stresses from aircraft braking shear increase.
Product Type: Binders
HBCE, High Bitumen Content Emulsion, is made of >70% bitumen. It is specially formulated by Fulton Hogan to give superior performance over a wide range of sealing and resealing conditions.
Surfix® 60
Product Type: Binders
Surfix® 60 is a special polymer-modified patching grade emulsion that may be used for light sealing (up to 10mm aggregates) under cool conditions. Other uses include primerseal and light seals.
Surfix® 70X
Product Type: Binders
Surfix® 70X is a class leading, high solids content polymer modified emulsion formulation, designed for exceptional performance in sealing applications under a variety of conditions.
Surfix® 70
Product Type: Binders
Surfix® 70 is a high solids content polymer modified emulsion formulation, designed for exceptional performance in sealing applications under a variety of conditions
Surfix® PS
Product Type: Binders
Surfix® PS is a high solids, polymer-modified, rapid setting emulsion containing virtually no hydrocarbon solvents.
Product Type: Binders
EmulPrime® is a specially formulated bitumen emulsion primer, designed to penetrate granular pavement materials under cold and damp weather conditions. HMA SDS
Product Type: Binders
RAPBaseTM is designed to be a long-lasting and structural bitumen-treated granular base made up of nearly 100% recycled asphalt product blended with Fulton Hogan’s proprietary bitumen emulsion.
Product Type: Asphalt
GripPhalt® is ideal for any pavement surface where improvements in skid resistance will improve safety, including high braking and problem traffic areas. GripPhalt® utilises a high percentage of recycled and renewable material ranging from 60% to 90%.
Product Type: Asphalt
Enrobés à Module Élevé Classe 2 (EME2) is a high modulus hot mix asphalt technology developed in France. It reduces asphalt thickness for heavy duty pavements with lower construction and maintenance work, whilst still providing sound pavement performance through a combination of high modulus, and superior fatigue, deformation and moisture resistance.
Product Type: Asphalt
PortBase™ is a proprietary basecourse product used in heavy duty pavement works. It is a well graded granular material that has been stabilised with bitumen and placed hot, using common asphalt paving equipment.
Ez Street®
Product Type: Asphalt
Premium blend, polymer-modified cold asphalt providing cost effective, simple and permanent solutions for pavement repairs including pot holes, utility cuts, edge repairs and around manholes.
Product Type: Asphalt
Other Applications: Motorsport
A dense-grade asphalt mix, specifically formulated to handle race conditions and minimise the potential for track surfacing failures.
Product Type: Asphalt
A highly modified asphalt designed for deformation resistance and load spreading capacity. Its interlocking aggregate structure holds together under high loadings.
Product Type: Asphalt
A composite of cement-based grout and open grade asphalt. Reduces time and lower cost. Extreme loadbearing capacity (both static and dynamic).